Recently while watching the movie, No Stings Attached; you know the one with Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman. I might add, I think Ashton is cute. Sorry, got off track, but I couldn’t help but think, “oh a man wrote this!” Why you ask? Because of a line, Natalie Portman’s character says. “Why can’t we just have sex?” When does a woman make that declaration? I tell you when, when she’s trying to trap a man. Think about your profile on E-Harmony or or any other dating site if a woman makes a statement like that, men will start crawling out of the woodwork. It’s just like saying you love to watch sports, drink beer, licking his popsicle, and hate shopping. Please, how many men do you know love to take romantic walks on the beach, watch romantic comedies and love to snuggle, hold hands and shop? Whether it’s a first date or an online dating website, these are all lines we used to find a partner in life. You should have seen me wrap my then future husband around my finger. I wore a Raiders football jersey, pretended to get excited when he gave me a Raiders baseball cap signed by Tim Brown and consoled him as the Phillies lost the World Series in 1993, thanks to Mitch Williams. I also went totally nuts over hanging out at his biology lab dissecting and looking into microscopes at creatures. Please, I’d rather go out dancing, play tennis, read a book or paint my nails. The things we do to impress our partners. My hubby was also guilty. He took me to every romantic movie, to the mall and even got a pedicure (once) with me. Guess what? A couple of years and kids later he doesn’t like romantic comedies or shopping. He tricked me too! So go ahead and tell me I’m wrong. I have yet to meet a woman who’s used just her body to get a man and have the relationship succeed. Okay, maybe for awhile. The reality of dating and life is, what you see, is what you get. Do yourself a favor and be the real you and take a good look see the person you’re dating. Honestly, I do love sports, and the biology thing is interesting, and my hubby knows Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte.
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