High School Graduates,
I stand before you not as example of greatness or achievement, but as an example of decisions. I do not possess any great talent or skills. But what I do and did have, even at the young age of 18…I knew what I didn’t want. It’s ok not to know exactly where you going, but you better have an idea of how you want to live. I did not get where I am today by reaching for the moon and landing among the stars. I could say, “this is not the end but just the beginning.” Why are graduation speeches filled with these cliches? Because everyone is hoping to inspire you. Not me, I think you should know the truth. The truth is…life is all about decisions. Up to this point, the probability of the decisions you’ve made so far will not have a lasting effect on the rest of your life. Let’s face it getting your record expunged as a juvenile is far easier than when you’re adult. From this moment, as you enter into adulthood, these decisions will now have lasting effects. This is your life. What do you want? How do you plan on getting there? This is no longer about your parents. I say, show them up…find your passion; make more money, fall deeper in love, build a stronger family and then rub in their face. Whatever path you choose, work, college, trade school or the military, this is the only time in your life you get to be selfish. You get to do whatever you want. Devote all your time and energy into becoming your best. I know everyone will say you have your whole life ahead of you. And yes you do, but’s only selfishly yours for a short period of time. Let’s just say you start a family, whatever that family picture looks like, at the ripe old age of thirty, that’s only twelve years from now. Sounds like a long time, but think of this. The average life expectancy for an adult in the U.S. is 78 years old. If, and that’s a big if, you wait until 30 to have a child or be in a committed relationship…you have another 48 years of life where you can’t to be selfish. Unless you plan on dying alone, then don’t worry about what I have to say. 12 versus 48 years…say it that way and you realize just how little time it is. Embrace your freedom. Make good decisions not for your parents, but for you. Because….THIS IS YOUR LIFE! Now I’ll be cliche…this is the time to make all your dreams come true! Congratulations graduates, I can’t wait to see what you create!